Sunday, 28 December 2014

The Final Countdown

One week out! Next Sunday I will be on a plane heading to Cairo via Vancouver and London. Unbelievable. Bike is done - not packed yet but prepped for a long haul ride. Packing is progressing. Yes, I am training. Don't think I will ever be adequately prepared for something like this though. I have officially reached (and passed!) my fundraising goal. Guess I'm ready to go - still doesn't feel real!

Over the couple weeks before Christmas I spent some time at Cadence Cycle in Whitehorse making sure Carson is ready to go and learning some basic bike mechanics so I can (hopefully) take care of him mostly on my own during the tour. He's looking pretty and is sitting in my trainer at home so I can still spin before leaving. Yes I have personified my bike. 

Despite what seems to be generally believed, I am packing. There is so much prep work. So many lists. I am hoping to get everything into one duffel and my bike box. Not too confident that it will work out though. Wish me luck!

Big thanks to everyone who has donated towards bikes! I passed my goal of $1650, raising over $1800! Bikes are $150 each, so with the current exchange rate that is enough for 10 bikes! I am so excited :) If you haven't donated and wanted to I will have the donate button up until December 31st. After that you can donate directly to the foundation - there is a link in my previous post about fundraising. 

Homecoming tournament was yesterday - second time on the ice since March. Shit man. Tourney was tons of fun, especially with the extra family around this year. Headed to Whitehorse now for another game, today we're playing with Team Yukon alumni against this years CGC girls team. It should be a blast although my skating muscles are a little underused and sore. I am counting this as training and putting off spinning until at least tomorrow. 

Dana flies to the London tomorrow, she's travelling Ireland and the UK for 5-6 weeks. Between the two of us trying to pull our shit together enough to be ready to travel the world and the regular Christmas hoopla the last few days have been rather hectic. But here we are. Good luck Dane :)

I will write another post when I have more to report. Happy holidays folks!

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Spinathon and Fundraising Update

So it's been a while since my spinathon and I've been meaning to post about it, guess better late than never. 

The spinathon was great! I raised approximately $600 and biked 85 km. $600 is almost four bikes :) Woo hoo! Huge thanks to teachers at St. Elias Community School and employees of the City of Whitehorse for the generous donations.

So far I have raised around $1400, enough for 8 bikes. I can't thank my mom enough for putting 10% of the proceeds of her sales at Christmas craft fairs towards my cause. On top of making bike cards! I really have the most supportive family. 

I'm getting really close to my goal of 10 bikes, with less than a month to raise the money. I will be wrapping up my fundraising on January 3rd and forwarding the proceeds to the TDA Foundation then. If you would like to donate I would appreciate the help in reaching my goal, however if you would like to donate at a later date you can of course donate directly to the foundation - it is a great cause.

Thanks for checking in!